
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Kakas in the Garden

The Kaka is one of 3 native New Zealand parrots which are rarely seen in Auckland. So you can imagine how delighted I was when my garden was recently visited by not ONE, but a PAIR of Kakas.

They  are a big bird and they make their presence known with a loud shrieking noise. They have now visited my garden several times and I've discovered what it is that has attracted them here and hence I was able to find a vantage point from which I could observe them closely and even get some pictures with my long lens.

They'd come to feed on the Wild Banana tree, otherwise known as Strelizia Nicolai which is related to the Bird of Paradise. This tree produces a bright orange seed or nut that the Kakas seem to love eating. The tree itself is on our neighbours property but is right on our boundary.

The local council in our area has been making efforts in recent times to eradicate pests, like rats and possums from areas of bush all around Auckland and I'm wondering if this may be a sign of their efforts bearing fruit. I've lived here for almost 30 years and this is the first time I've ever seen this bird here or anywhere else in Auckland, so I'm feeling quite privileged to have been able to enjoy such a close encounter.

I've also heard that keeping chickens can attract a variety of other bird life into the garden. I've found this to be true but I'm not sure to what extent that has helped in this case.

These two birds seemed to be well aware of my presence below them but they didn't seem at all concerned. I've heard it's even possible to tame these birds. The above picture shows them sharing one of the bright orange nuts from this tree. This is just 2 of the hundreds of photos I took.

I love how there is always something interesting going on in the garden. Every season of every year there seems to be something new happening.